LGBTQ Family Planning


Looking for specific characteristics in your donor can be challenging.

Prospective parents may focus on trying to find a donor se qualities represent qualities in the partner se genetics will not be represented in the child (the partner se eggs will not be used to create embryos).

Or, it may feel important to a couple to avoid “doubling up” on a genetic risk for certain physical or mental health conditions if these conditions run in the family of the partner se eggs will be used to create embryos.

It is important to remember that your child is not going to be a "clone" of the donor.

While genetics are important “building blocks,” many traits, characteristics, and qualities are determined by a complex interplay between genetic and environmental factors. Also, when choosing a donor, one must choose “the le package” so to speak---it is not possible to “pick and choose” only certain traits and qualities. Inevitably, all donors are likely to have a few “less than perfect” aspects of personal or family history. That being said, it’s important to generally feel positively about your selection, as you want to be able to convey your positivity about the donor you chose to your child someday when sharing with your child about his or her “origin story.”


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